Our Story
The goal of Storied Journeys is to help connect communities and individuals here in the United States with individuals and communities in other parts of the world through study abroad, language exchange, social and environmental action collaborations, homestay opportunities, and other forms of meaningful cross-cultural engagement. Storied Journeys is devoted to operational transparency so that you know how the dollars you spend are going towards providing the same high quality educational and cultural exchange opportunities for underserved communities both here in Seattle and across the globe.
Unlike other study abroad and cultural exchange organizations, Storied Journeys models its financial and operational practices to insure that a large share of our profits are allocated to furthering charitable work in education, healthcare, and housing. For many families that participate in our trips, this comes in the form of economic assistance for families with financial need. Opportunity and access to experiences connecting with communities around the world should never be a luxury afforded only to a select few. We don't check bucket list destinations and experiences. We aren't tourists or volunteers for a time. We build lasting connections between hearts and minds across the globe. At Storied Journeys, we believe that :